Book a free consultation.

What kind of support are you craving?

  • The Foundations

    Everything you need to create the foundations for a supportive pregnancy.


    ~ one prenatal visit to discuss birthing plans and what’s most important to you (90 mins)

    ~ongoing voxer support throughout your journey (makes you feel like you have a doula in your back pocket!).

    ~on-call 2 weeks prior to your due date for full support

    ~labour delivery support through entire process, includes: reiki, reflexology, etc.

    ~access to app and pre-recorded meditations for calming support

    ~'Strong as a Motha' support care package


    ~one postpartum visit (max 3 hours)

    ~access to postpartum resources and PDF’s

    ~birth chart and astrological reading to better understand your reactions to energy surrounding you

    EXCHANGE: $888

  • The Stepping Stones

    Everything you need for strong foundation and the steps you need for a fully supportive pregnancy.


    ~ two prenatal visit to discuss birthing plans and what’s most important to you (2x90 mins)

    ~on-call 3 weeks prior to your due date for full support

    ~ongoing voxer support throughout your journey (makes you feel like you have a doula in your back pocket!).

    ~labour delivery support through entire process, includes: reiki, reflexology, etc.

    ~access to doula support app and pre-recorded meditations

    ~'Strong as a Motha' support care package


    ~two postpartum visit (max 6 hours)

    ~three pre-packaged nourishing family meals

    -access to postpartum resources and PDF’s

    ~birth chart and astrological reading to better understand your reactions to energy surrounding you

    EXCHANGE: $1111

  • The Full Circle

    Everything you need for overall encompassing feeling of a fully supportive pregnancy.


    ~ two prenatal visit to discuss birthing plans and what’s most important to you (2x90 mins)

    ~on-call 6 weeks prior to your due date for full support

    ~ongoing voxer support throughout your journey (makes you feel like you have a doula in your back pocket!).

    ~labour delivery support through entire process, includes: reiki, reflexology, etc.

    ~access to doula support app and pre-recorded meditations


    ~three postpartum visit (max 9 hours)

    ~one overnight visit for full support

    ~seven pre-packaged nourishing family meals

    ~'Strong as a Motha' support care package

    ~postpartum support care package

    ~birth chart and astrological reading to better understand your reactions to energy surrounding you

    *postpartum visits may include: light housecleaning, cooking, laundry, newborn and feeding support + whatever your require!*

    EXCHANGE: $1555

Want only postpartum support?

  • Post-Essential Support

    ~free consultation

    ~18 hours of postpartum support (book when you need it most)

    ~ongoing voxer support from week 38 to 6 weeks after your birthing journey

    ~postpartum support care package

    ~access to PDF’s and postpartum resources

    ~complimentary herbal V Steam

    ~receive $22 off your first month of kid’s reiki support program

    EXCHANGE: $555

  • Post-Premium Support

    ~free consultation

    -five nights (10pm-6am) of postpartum support (book when you need it most)

    ~ongoing voxer support from week 38 to 6 weeks after your birthing journey

    ~postpartum support care package

    ~access to PDF’s and postpartum resources

    ~complimentary herbal V Steam

    ~receive $22 off your first month of kid’s reiki support program

    *postpartum visits may include: light housecleaning, cooking, laundry, newborn and feeding support + whatever your require!*

    EXCHANGE: $1222

Kid’s Reiki Support Program

~includes 2 distance sessions and a birth chart reading.